an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

We can help you be free from debt

  • We treat you as an individual

  • We give you comprehensive support

  • We are non-profit and our advice is free

Improving the UK’s money and debt environment

Beyond our frontline activity, we work closely with the UK government, the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, regulators, creditors and other partners.

Our services

We support individuals, the self employed, small businesses, the free debt advice sector and creditor organisations.

National Debtline

National Debtline offers free, independent and confidential advice on personal debt over the phone and online via webchat.

Business Debtline

Business Debtline is the UK’s only free dedicated debt advice service for people who are self-employed and other small business owners.


Wiseradviser is the leading training body for UK debt advisers, with 85% of free money advice agencies in the UK accessing the service.

Training and Consultancy

The Money Advice Trust offers training and consultancy services to organisations and customer-facing staff.

"StepChange have helped me in an unbelievable way."

- Clarice Turner

"We’re all human, we all mess up. But they are there to help and they won’t judge you."

- Brian Moten

"The debt management plan has given me peace of mind and helped with my mental health."

- Joyce Gould

”Impressed with the efficiency and professionalism. The entire process was smooth and hassle-free.”

- Sharon Roddy

A wide range of debt solutions and services

Whether it is to pay back what you owe with payments you can afford, write off your debts, or if all you need is some time and space to sort out your finances, we help you find the right way to sort out your debts.

  • Debt Mnagement Plan (DMP)

  • Debt relief order (DRO)

  • Bankruptcy

  • Individual voluntary arrangement (IVA)

  • Debt Arrangement Scheme (DAS)

  • Debt settlements

Frequently asked questions

I cannot pay my energy bills. Can you help me?

To avoid your supply being cut off, we can work with you on a plan to pay back what you owe.
If there is no way for you to do that we will look at other ways to deal with your debts.

Can I write off debt?

Sometimes you can do this. It could be that it would take you a very long time to pay what you owe. In this case you could apply for a solution that writes off some or all your debt. But you must get debt advice before doing this.

In some cases, the people you owe money to may choose to write off the debt. It depends what you are dealing with.

Is debt consolidation right for me?

If you have a poor credit history, you are more likely to be offered loans and credit to consolidate debt. This could be because you have missed payments or have County Court judgments (CCJs).

These types of credit often have a higher rate of interest which must be paid. Because of this, consolidation may not be the best option for you. Using a credit card or loan that could cost you a lot means you are at risk of more money problems in the future.

I urgently need help with money for food and bills. Can you help?

It may seem like there’s no help. But there is a range of support available. Trust funds, credit unions, councils, energy companies, the government and charities all offer ways to help.

And we can work with you on your budget so you can afford your bills. We also work with partners who can give you more support where you need it.

How do I make a budget?

Making a budget is the first step towards taking control of your finances and getting back on track.

This helps you to see where your money is going. And that makes it easier to make sure you have covered all the things you need to pay for. When you come to us for debt advice, we will work out your budget with you.